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We can work with you to achieve your personal migration goals

There are many routes to enter the UK and begin your journey.  The most popular routes are:


Visitor The visitor rules were recently updated to make them less cumbersome and hard to . understand the various different categories; however this new format may be unfamiliar especially in relation to what is required to support the application, and our solicitors can provide guidance.  


Students Over the last 10 year the UKVI have treated students harshly, closing countless private colleges and challenging English language ability.  We can help you sucure or extend your status in this category.


Spouse (Partner) route of Appendix FM  With the introduction of the minimum income of £18,600 for spouse applications, we have seen many families seperated for no better reason than income requirements; at Dias Solicitors our expert partners can help you achieve your goal of bringing your spouse to the UK.



Parent route of Appendix FM  A relatively new route, the Parent route of Appendix FM lets a person obtain a visa to enable then to continue a parental relationship with a child based in the UK.  Our solicitors are here to help you.

We can't wait to hear from you! Call diassolicitors today and let us help you find what you're looking for.


Hi I'm Crystal Dias

I am the diassolicitors migration law expert, please feel free to explore the site or use our quick action menu to contact us today

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Hi I'm Crystal Dias

I am the diassolicitors migration law expert, please feel free to explore the site or use our quick action menu to contact us today

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Lawyery Limited is a Limited Company (Company number 13141708) and we are a Law Firm practising English law with offices in London. Lawyery Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 8001894).

Lawyery Limited also trades under the names 'Dias Solicitors' and 'MigrationLaw.'

A full list of Directors is available at our registered office at: 3 Waterhouse Square, 138-142 Holborn, London, EC1N 2SW.

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